File Recovery Software to Recover Deleted Files on Windows 7 After Receiving Stop Error: 0x00000050

Computer users are most often affected by various Blue Screens of Death (or BSODs) while working on their PCs running the Windows 7 operating system. These are commonly known as STOP errors. The occurrence of these errors results in suddenly unresponsive behavior of the system. A system crash is one of the possible repercussions of such behavior. Inconsistencies in the Windows operating system can be caused by a number of things such as faulty drivers, faulty hardware, power outages, improper system shutdown, etc. Due to all these factors, the data files stored on the system may become completely inaccessible. In order to overcome the issue, you need to opt for file recovery through a reliable third party tool.

For example, you may have received the following STOP error message while working with the Windows 7 operating system:


Stop: 0x00000050 (0xE41B0E15, 0x00000000, 0xBF88CD88, 00000001)”

The above error means that the requested page is not found in memory. Let’s take a look at the possible causes.


The above error may have occurred due to one of the following reasons:

Problem with some software or device drivers

BIOS settings are not consistent with the operating system

Malfunction of hardware devices.

Recently installed hardware or software

RAM problem

Startup files may be damaged

As a consequence, you would lose all the important files and folders present on your system hard drive. Here, you can use a backup to recover deleted or inaccessible files. If you do not have an up-to-date backup, you should follow the resolution steps mentioned below.


Follow the steps below to resolve the error:

Uninstall any recently installed hardware drivers or software applications

Try installing updated driver versions or downgrading to an older driver

Run the system diagnostic tool to check which component is causing the problem

Use the Chkdsk utility to identify and repair the damaged partition

If the above resolution steps fail to fix the error, then you should seek the help of an efficient Windows file recovery software. This software comes with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for you to get familiar with all the features of the software. They employ robust scanning algorithms that help achieve faster recovery.

Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery is an advanced and highly secure utility that recovers lost, deleted or inaccessible Windows files from FAT, NTFS and exFAT partitions. It is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000 and NT4 (SP6). It can perform deleted file recovery from more than 185 different file types.

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