Farmers Insurance Agency Offers Tips to Help Ensure Financial Health

Omaha Insurance Agent and Philanthropist suggests the following to ensure financial health for the year ahead and beyond:

  • Develop a budget and stick to it. Start by making two columns, one for expenses and one for income, and add them together. Whether you earn as much as you spend or not, see where you can take shortcuts, such as on luxury items, paying off debt, and increasing savings.

  • Add line items to your budget, such as taxes, savings, college funds, and vacations

  • Add financial goals to your daily calendar, like paying off student loans at a specific time. Consider paying larger balances first and try to transfer outstanding balances to accounts with lower interest rates

  • Constantly view credit card and bank records to make sure transactions are accurate and see where you can cut expenses

  • Pay credit card bills in full, cut out cards you don’t need, and try to use cash whenever possible

  • Take advantage of programs through work, such as discounts on phones, computers, and fitness memberships.

  • When shopping, buy in bulk, clip coupons, shop for sales, compare prices, buy generic or store brand products, and stick to the shopping list.

  • At home, use a programmable thermostat, test the air system for holes in need of repair, and ditch the house phone and combine your cell phone plan into a family plan.

  • Take care of your car’s engine and tires to save on gasoline and repair

  • See if there are any additional expenses you can eliminate, like ditching the cable and switching to Netflix or Hulu for a small monthly fee. Some subscriptions like Amazon Prime already come with TV and video included.

Some of these tips may seem like big changes, however once you start making these changes and see the results, they become daily or monthly habits. practicing the

Through hard work, dedication, and both passionate and professional attention to client needs, Manley and his small team at their Farmers Insurance agency in Omaha, Nebraska, have grown the agency into the largest Farmers Insurance agency. of the state. His agency is also the second largest in the entire Farmers Insurance region.

Manley’s service to the community includes support for the Siena / Francis House, Restoration Exchange, Homeward Bound Animal Rescue, Ronald McDonald House and the Stephen Center.

Call him at (402) 391-1656 and he will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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