don’t be fooled

The Ghanaian Sylvester Ofori who fatally shot his wife in Orlando, Florida recently is said to be a pastor who was attracted to the occult and had also tried everything to lure his wife into the same but the woman refused and left. it was from the house. The report said that Sylvester visited a supposedly powerful ‘man of God’ who initiated him into the occult. Listen to your sister-in-law: “Sylvester had denounced God after visiting Nzema and they gave him a book to read. He then gave the book to my sister to read and after reading; she too was showing signs of denouncing God to follow the husband but she [Barbara] he later recovered through prayers. Later, my sister found out that her husband had joined an occult group and filed for divorce: “My God! Please be careful what you read and listen to. Be careful what you watch. Be careful with friends.” you have. And also be careful about the places you visit. This A couple visited and read only one ‘book’ and immediately lost spiritual control and their whole world came crashing down. Satanic power and influence is very real! our interest here is in the way people are tempted, seduced into ungodly things and practices that then enslave or destroy them. Now, people don’t wake up and jump into crime or ungodliness. No! There’s always that gradual introduction and systemic attraction Most people who are attracted to occultism, theft, prostitution, corruption, adultery, gambling, smoking, drunkenness, kidnapping, rebellion and homosexuality, etc., do not they planned to enter it, but that they were attracted through wrong contacts, wrong associations, wrong thoughts, ambitions, desires and carelessness.

Look at this Sylvester’s story again. Did you notice the progress? He first had these friends, and then he visited that false but powerful ‘man of God’ in Nzema. He came back again. He saw the power, the manifestation, the miracles, the incantations, etc. He loved them and continued to visit them. Then he was given a ‘book’ which he read and reported to God. And he tried to lure her wife, but she ran away from her and then killed her. Yes. This is typical of Satan. He is a seductive teacher. He will gradually, systematically, and diabolically draw you from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, and from the surface to the deep until he entangles you and ultimately destroys you. He will entice you with simple, “harmless” suggestions, sweets, nice things, gifts and words until he catches you: you reach the point of no return. After all, we are told that he comes as the angel of light to steal, kill and destroy. He is a master of the game. That is why he was able to attract millions of angels to join him and rebel against God in heaven. We must always resist the temptation of evil and wickedness from the beginning. You don’t need to wait until the damage is done or it’s getting late to fight your way free. He runs, runs and runs away immediately if you feel any temptation or suggestion to do what is wrong. To entice simply means to seduce, entice, or entice.
This tactic of luring people into evil and disobedience is not new. It has been there from the beginning. You remember that the first man and woman were lured by the devil in the Garden of Eden to disobey the creator. The Devil cunningly ambushed the woman and began questioning her. Listen to him: “Did God say that you should not eat from every tree in the garden? Just look at this beautiful one. Just one bite and your eye will open and you will become as wise as God. Why not give it a try?” The main tempter! He came as an innocent investigator, but he already knew the truth. He just wanted the opportunity to set up and cheat on the poor woman and unfortunately he succeeded. Listen, we are told not to give the enemy that chance at all. Do not welcome him. Don’t entertain it. Do not listen to him. Don’t give him the chance. And don’t talk to him at all. If he does, surely he knows the best way to convince and entice him to do his bidding. He is older than you. He is a master at it, a great master of tactics and deception. By compromising him, Eve made the costliest mistake in history and carelessness brought about the fall of man and all the pain, suffering and death that comes with it. What is the devil currently tempting you with? Resist it. Tie him up and throw him out now.

Falling into disobedience, occultism, sin, etc., part of entertaining those little ‘harmless’ thoughts and suggestions from the enemy and even so-called friends. Some of them may come as advice or help. But you must ask God to give you the ability to discern and know when the enemy’s ultimate goal is to entice or seduce you into wickedness and disobedience. Once something isn’t in full agreement with God’s word or isn’t very clear to you, don’t get involved. Look at our pastor here. It was a bit of friendship, a few visits, a little ‘book’ reading and some interest in supernatural manifestation that drew him into full occultism, denouncing God, initiating others and now committing murder. He carelessly, foolishly fell into the enemy’s trap. Someone who was once serving the Most High God? A man who has seen his goodness and manifestations ended up worshiping Satan, denouncing his creator and murdering his own wife? OMG! Listen now, resist the Devil immediately you perceive his subtle suggestions and motives and he will flee. Like this man, most people practicing the occult and Satan worship today were gradually and systematically attracted by their friends, associates, partners, relatives, and even their spouses. Today, many people secretly worship Satan and demons just for money, fame, and power. Be careful! Don’t befriend the wicked, don’t hold back wicked thoughts and suggestions, and don’t compromise God’s words and instructions.

David was drawn to disobedience. He was seduced into immorality and murder by his own carelessness and carnality and he paid for it. He lost his relationship with God, lost his throne, endured disgrace and humiliation of the highest degree, and suffered internal and external rebellion. He went through very excruciating pains, sufferings and betrayals that always almost took his life. He was like the living dead. All of these came upon this very favored, powerful and blessed king because he committed adultery with Beersheba and to cover her tracks he killed her husband. And how did he get into such a mess? When other kings were busy with his assignments; going to wars, etc., David stayed behind in the palace, lazing around, lazing around, and suddenly he saw the beautiful woman. He feels for her. He slept with her and got her pregnant and to cover it up, he killed her husband. He looks at the progression again: gradually sneak: loiter, loiter, spot, sleep, and kill. One mistake, sin will always beget another. You know the tribulations David went through for years and how God restored him afterward, albeit with a heavy heart for him, his family, and his Israel. Are you being drawn away now?

The same with Samson the great; the strongest man ever lived. He too was careless with his assignment and conduct and a woman lured him into the hands of the enemy and that became the beginning of his abrupt and painful end. He was shaved, humiliated, beaten, blinded and used as a grinder and cheerleader for the enemy. His mission and destiny were wounded. Yes, you will go through all this if you allow yourself to be attracted to them. You lose your anointing, your glory, your spiritual sight, your peace, your prosperity and well-being. Unfortunately, today, many Samsons are also sleeping in Delilah’s lapse. As I write, they are being dragged down the path of disgrace, degradation, and destruction. And sadly, they’re also about to end up like Samson if they don’t jump now and run. You are one of them? Why are you where you are now? What are you doing there? Watch out! Now, the enemy cannot ensnare or destroy you unless he first gets you out of God’s presence, protection, and relationship. That is why he will always lead you to sin first so that God will be angry and leave you. Yes, there is always a powerful and impregnable fence that protects every Christian. And it is only sin that can remove it and leave us susceptible to attacks and arrows from enemies. Remember when Barak hired Balaam to curse Israel? It didn’t work until the Israelites began to live in immorality and idolatry, then the plague came. It was Balaam who taught Barak and the Moabites to lure the unassailable Israelites with women and idol worship and it instantly paid off. God was very angry with them. The divine fence was removed and they fell. Yes, expect the snake to bite you if you break through the fence. What are you drawn to now? Resist it. Run away. Don’t be fooled! Until next week.
Gabriel is the author of the books/audiobooks Power of Midnight Prayer, Never Again!, Uncommon Success, Move Forward and many others tmm_aud_swatch_0 ?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1593877396&sr=8-2

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