Do you want to learn English in Auckland, New Zealand?

What better idea than coming to learn English in Auckland, New Zealand? The country itself has become famous as a beautiful backdrop for many well-known movies such as The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia and soon to be the setting for the movie The Hobbit. But while Kiwis love and are proud of New Zealand’s great outdoors, and love to spend as much time as they can outdoors to enjoy it, there is so much more this country has to offer a student who wants to learn. English.

Auckland is a healthy place to live and although it is the largest city in the country, the millions of residents who live here are spread out over a large area. Apartment living has only recently gained popularity, and many people still choose to live in houses in the suburbs. New Zealand is well known throughout the world for its clean and green environment. The country as a whole has very low pollution levels and being a country surrounded by oceans, it is not affected by pollution from other countries.

You will be able to enjoy a slower pace of life. This can be a bit of an adjustment at first, but it doesn’t take long for new visitors to get used to it and then enjoy the Kiwi way of life. Being the largest city, Auckland still has plenty to do within its vibrant city atmosphere. Being immersed in an English-speaking country while learning the language is a great way to speed up your verbal and written communication skills.

You may find it a bit cooler than you are used to. You’ll get to the warmest of the big cities in this country, but Kiwis tend to be quite hardy and don’t heat their houses as much as many other people do. You may need to pack a warm coat and some warm woolens, or shop for some of the beautiful merino sweaters and cardigans once you get here.

Embarking on the great adventure of coming to learn English in Auckland, New Zealand will also involve learning much more than just the information you need to pass your exams or get into university. It will be about you experiencing a new way of life, a new climate and a new country.

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