Bad boy psychology

Nice guys are mostly too good in every sense of the word, be it their demeanor, their approach, their attitude. Nice guys almost never try something that is unique, simply because of the hesitancy that exuberance dominates; They are made that way.

They would rather be one of a flock occupying back benches, whether in a classroom or a restaurant! His whole approach is to stick with the conventional. If the rules in school are that boys and girls occupy seats in separate groups, these children would hardly try to break them.

The naughtiest guys who are generally labeled as bad don’t usually play by the rules. First, they try to break them whenever possible; or if not, keep making overtures, and if only to get attention. When warned, they have the wit ready to say or do something different.

These antics don’t go unnoticed! Women are swayed by guys who have guts to distract them in the first place. These women may not easily show their inner feelings, but deep down in their hearts, any day they would look at someone they find nonconformist!

Bad guys fall into this category; they are better known albeit for the wrong reasons. Women have the suspicion that children who assiduously follow every discipline rule would adhere to them to the extreme in all spheres of activity.

Furthermore, it is often the bad guys who openly come out to appreciate, adore, and even woo women. One expression with which a woman can hardly remain indifferent is flattery! The bad guys make the most of this. They perfect the art of conquering females.

Preference for anyone begins with an interaction. Children, who are labeled as bad, are labeled that way because of their actions that make them different from the common group. Children who are bad may not necessarily be bad as long as they have criminal propensities. They are the happiest guys even in adverse situations that never fail to showcase their entertainment value, at least.

Social norms expect a moderate role for women. Perhaps it is the acceptance of such behavior that prompts them to prefer “bad” boys to ensure joviality and joy in their life rather than having to become even more submissive in a relationship with too good a boy.

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