A Japanese Lasagna Recipe Fit for the Emperor

With the growing popularity of Japanese foods like sushi, teppanyaki, and sukiyaki, serving Japanese cuisine at home is now a cool thing to do and is sure to impress your guests.

After World War II, Japanese food had a rough road ahead of it to break into the mainstream Western diet. My grandparents still have bitter memories of the war era and probably wouldn’t try Japanese food if they knew its origins. While the youth of Western and Eastern nations are now more united through the Internet and hold no grudges, Japanese food can still be a major culture shock for some. This Japanese-style lasagna recipe, while catering to the uniqueness of the Japanese palate, has a shape familiar to Westerners and is a great way to introduce Japanese flavors to an uninitiated guest.

To start, let’s take a look at the ingredients, some of which may be difficult to find in your local supermarket, but any Asian supermarket should be able to help you:


  • 6 sheets of dry pasta for lasagna
  • 1 half of a lotus root
  • 2 slices of raw salmon
  • 2 cans of meat sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 30 grams of butter (salted)
  • 6 tablespoons of flour
  • 300 ml soy sauce (light)
  • 1 tablespoon of miso paste
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 slices of cheese
  • 1 pack of seaweed paper
  • 1 handful of crispy tempura batter pieces
  • 1 package of fermented soybeans
  • salt and pepper to taste

Yes, fermented soy! These are known as “natto” in Japanese and they are one of the richest sources of protein in the world. The only caveat is that they can smell awful to the unfamiliar eater. In Japan, they are commonly found in supermarkets or even convenience stores, selling 3 packs for less than US$1. In overseas Asian markets the price can be up to 3 times higher, but it is a vital ingredient in making this lasagna recipe taste truly Japanese.


  1. Start the preparations by peeling the lotus root if it is not already peeled, and soak it in some warm water.
  2. Slice the salmon into bite-size pieces. Season with salt and pepper and fry in oil.
  3. Remove the fried salmon from the pan and replace it with the soaked lotus root.
  4. After simmering the lotus root for 5 minutes, add the onion, thinly sliced, to the pan.
  5. In another pan, melt the butter and slowly combine the flour, soy sauce, a little more salt and pepper and reduce the heat.
  6. Combine the contents of the first pan with the second and dissolve in the miso paste.
  7. In a pot, put the lasagna in boiling water with a little oil and salt.
  8. In a proper lasagna dish, add the contents of the pan, then a layer of the cooked lasagna sheet, then a layer of meat sauce, and repeat with alternating layers until your dish is full except for an inch on the top. .
  9. On the last layer of pasta, arrange the pieces of salmon as if it were a delicate Japanese garden and cover with the cheese.
  10. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or until the cheese has melted, but before it burns.
  11. Remove from oven and serve on a square black plate for best effect.
  12. Sprinkle the crispy pieces of tempura batter on top after bringing them to the table.

This dish is sure to be a hit with both Japanese food lovers and guests who have never experienced Japanese flavors.

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