The commandments of the game that every player must follow

Gone are the days when play was considered a maternal means of relaxation or entertainment. Today it has progressed unparalleled to the major religions of the world, with a huge follower base globally. In addition to gaming and cosplay conventions, these games have now moved on to offer regular sequels, different game platforms, and user interfaces.

But to become a glorified gamer and join any of the video game fandoms, you must understand and accept the commandments of the video game world, unconditionally. Whether it’s the latest PC or console games, here are some gaming commandments to keep in mind to usher in the new era of peace and prosperity in gaming.

You should be careful with your plugs and cables: As a player or spectator, you will need to keep an eye on all errant plugs and cables. Avoid stepping on or tripping over these items as they will not only be connected to the system but will also interrupt any game in progress. They can even lead to the destruction of gaming equipment, which is nothing short of any gamer’s worst nightmare. For example, the Red Ring of Death commonly found on Xbox consoles.

You will not save from the game of others: Be it video games or even Android games, you never save someone else’s game profile. Players have been known to waste blood, sweat and tears by completing missions, side missions, and acquiring rare and legendary weapons and items. A simple save over another profile instead of a new one leads to nothing more than a cruel and insensitive heartbreak for any gamer.

You will stop a game session at the “next” checkpoint: Once you start any game, especially the latest PC or console games, it will be difficult to stop playing it. The only acceptable step at this location is to stop playing at the next checkpoint. If you reach the aforementioned checkpoint, you should stick to only that checkpoint, and not the next one.

You will keep all distractions away while you play: Whether it’s PC video games or even Android games, a distraction will cost not only your concentration but also the life of your virtual character. Mute your mobile, keep food and drinks close at hand, and plug in your headphones.

You will go rogue at least once: After all, all the rules must be broken at least once. However, this mainly applies in certain cases, such as multiplayer games where your teammates are nothing short of annoying ‘newbies’. Cut them all so they know they can’t take your patience for granted. However, you run the risk of getting banned, so be careful.

Last but not least, you will not cheat … blatantly: All players use cheats, at some point in their lives. Stick with your PC or console games though, and never cheat during online gaming sessions, at least you’re ready to be banned for life or live with the shame of being caught.

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