How To Find Your Soulmate: Change Your Words (3 Tips For Women)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21). So, you have a choice when it comes to finding a soul mate; or speak what you want or say what you don’t want. In any case, you will have what you say. While the following tips are appropriate for men and women alike, this article is for women.

3 tips

1. Stop saying negative words.

Remember the saying, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? Well, it is not true. Words kill, steal and destroy. Unfortunately, your words have set some things in motion. As a result, you keep getting sour grapes.

Do you find yourself saying things like:

· “Nobody loves Me.

· Why doesn’t anyone love me?

Nothing good comes my way.

· I attract the wrong people.

I will never marry.

· Why would anyone want me?

· Nobody loves Me.

· How did you get it?

· What makes it so special? “

However, these statements convey doubts, envy, disbelief and lack of confidence. Also, when you say them repeatedly, the momentum builds creating a void. Have you ever noticed how negative people suck the energy out of a room? Well, defeatist words take the life out of any project.

So, start paying attention to your words. Get in the habit of stopping expressing pessimism about yourself, others, or what you want. If necessary, wear an elastic band around your wrist. Throw it away every time you think or speak like a pessimist.

two. Start speaking positive words.

First of all, communicate with confidence. Nobody likes a loser or a crybaby. Plus, you risk driving away a potential partner. If you have low self-esteem, raise the bar. Today is a new beginning. Forget what was or was not.

Still, articulating hopeful words will be more difficult for some than others. Therefore, I suggest reading self-help books. Listening to motivational sermons or speakers online will also allow you to make the change.

Second, say positive words about what you want. Most people find it easier to recite what they don’t like. You know what you want? If your answer is no, stop pushing. Spend some quiet time reflecting. Then make a list of your heart’s wishes. Take your list to Father in prayer, believe you have it, and then use your words to roll it up.

3. When in doubt, don’t speak.

Let’s be realistic. Nobody said that life would be a bed of roses. Consequently, some days they bristle with thorns. Also, when you are exhausted (mentally or physically) it is worse. On those days, refrain from commenting on your situation. He is more likely to speak desperately.

Remember, words create! Your goal is to have what you want. If you speak negative words, you will get what you say.

All in all, the words you choose will catch or support efforts to connect with your soulmate. Therefore, use them wisely.

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