Catchy Safety Slogans to Use at Work

If you’re in charge of writing the next security message or choosing a security slogan for your company’s security initiatives, you know you have a challenge ahead of you. After all, most security slogans become invisible and ineffective pretty quickly.

Just create a safety message that is part of a workplace safety campaign where people are trained to change their behavior. On the contrary. putting a poster on the wall with a new slogan is as useful as putting a sticker on your car that says “Baby on board”. No one will pay much attention (or really care!).

To make sure your security message is sticky, here are five top tips:

1. Use positive language – Avoid creating a slogan that focuses on behavior you don’t want. Instead, write a security message that conveys what you want people to do. For example, a negative slogan for height safety is “Don’t be fooled.” Using more positive language, a more appropriate version is “A harness is better than a hearse.” While this may have negative connotations, it still focuses on what you want the person to do, rather than the wrong behavior.

2. Keep it short (and tweet): In this age of Twitter, being able to write in 140 characters or less helps you distill your message. It’s the same as writing a security message, just try to summarize it in 12 words or less.

3. Avoid jargon: Make sure the prize flows easily. Avoid acronyms and words that not everyone understands (use the test: will my mother understand this one?).

4. Contain a surprise: Common sense is the enemy of sticky security messages. When our brain’s guessing machine fails, it wants to find out why it couldn’t guess. This surprise draws our attention, so that we can be prepared in the future. By trying to figure out what went wrong, our brain is more likely to remember the information.

Here’s a good example (a personal favorite): Hug your kids at home, but hug them in the car.

Slogans containing the obvious will be ignored.

Some examples are: “Play it safe” and “Be careful, be careful.” Yawn!

5. Play on Words – A clever play on words helps make your safety message a little more memorable. This may include rhyming and repeating words in a different order. Adding a little fun can make a serious topic more approachable.

For example:

It is better to lose a minute of life… than to lose your life in a minute.

Meet safety, no injuries. No security, know the injuries

Lifting is a breeze when you bend your knees

Once you have created your safety slogan and trained people on the new behavior that is required, regularly remind staff of the safety message in safety meetings and email newsletters etc. The more people see it frequently, the more it will be remembered.

Here are some more catchy slogans that are memorable:

While on a ladder, never stand back to admire your work.

10 fingers, 10 toes 2 eyes 1 nose…safety counts

Knock out…accidents

Shortcuts cut the shortcuts of life

Consider security. It’ll save your butt.

A spill, a slip, a trip to the hospital

Safety glasses: All in favor say “Ojo!”

If you’re wrong, confess

At the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.

Opportunity takers are accident makers

Housework you skip can cause a fall or slip.

It’s easier to ask a dumb question than to fix a dumb mistake.

Make it your mission not to live in unsafe conditions.

Security comes in a can, I can, you can, we can be safe.

Security fits like a glove; Try one on.

Security is a full-time job, don’t make it a part-time internship

Safety rules are your best tools.

Think smart before you start.

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